

                Respect begets respect.

It’s so easy to give respect to those who are worthy of it in your eyes, but how about giving respect to those who don’t quite measure up! To give respect to all and not just those you like is the true meaning of giving respect.

Respect is a very broad term when people use it. What is the definition of respect? When I looked it up in the dictionary, I found out the dictionary definition is: to show regard or admiration of something or someone. I see respect as a universal characteristic. Respect to me, is a way of showing someone that you think highly of them and well, respect them! Respect is a very important part of life. If a person is respected, it makes him feel good and in return, he or she respects you. Respect is important to me because if a person didn’t respect anyone, he himself would not be admired, and over time, he would grow up to be a very rude and inconsiderate person. Rudeness and kindness are also two very big components of respect. If you are rude to people or a person, you are disrespectful. If you are purposely mean or nasty to people, you are disrespectful.


                Respect begins with you.

Not being able to show respect says a lot more about us than it does about the one in front of us. Sometimes we believe we should only exercise this quality of respect towards those who have demonstrated that they are deserving of it. Yet, it is possible to have regard for all human beings, despite their actions in the moment. In fact, when we don’t give regard to all, we deprive ourselves. How so? Because, in spiritual terms, to give is to receive. Therefore, waiting for others to become deserving, or withholding our respect until we feel they are worthy, deprives us of feeling and exercising this quality which is in reality a valuable treasure.

Respect, as a by-product of love, is one of our innate qualities. So in truth, we should not really need to make effort to give it. Everybody is worthy of respect simply because they exist, because they are there in front of you. You may not approve of a person’s behavior, but do not condemn the soul. They are soul beings and our brothers.

It is when we don’t realize that we are beings of love, that we go seeking love, approval, or regard from others. We only need something when we feel empty. When we are in our self-respect that automatically attracts respect from others and also helps them to engender respect for themselves.

The opposite is true also. If we don’t have something, then how can we give it? We need self-respect in order to be able to give respect to others. Only when we have self-respect, can we even begin to think of giving anything to others.

When one has self-respect, then one need not compare or compete with another. That one can be assured that whatever is meant to come their way will do so, and in its right time. A person with self-respect understands that to compare is futile, and to compete is nonsensical.

By contrast, comparing and competing are both symptoms of a fragile, inflated ego, and ego and esteem are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Although some think they are the same, they are definitely not. Ego is always looking outward to what others are doing, wondering whether I am ‘better than…’, or ‘worse than…’ and always causes pain. Self-esteem is about building our sense of self from the inside, and cannot bring pain.

Self-esteem is about self-love. When I really love myself, I will not cause harm to myself by becoming a traitor to my virtues. I will always take the side of virtue and face the enemy of the vices with insight and pure pride. In this way I will inevitably earn respect from others.

If we have love and respect for ourselves and when we can see our own beauty, only then can we see the beauty and specialties of others. Then it will be very easy to give respect and create harmony. Always remember that each one of us came onto the earth to share a particular quality with the world. So if you can’t see it, then look a little harder, for it will surely be there.


              Respect for Life

We need to respect life. Society seems to be making the decisions on who should live and who should die. This power should only belong to God. Laws are being made every day about death penalties, abortion, suicides and gun use. Respect for life is important and needs to be promoted by everyone. Teenagers can do many things to honor human life every day.

One of the things teenagers can do to promote respect for human life in our society is to become more active in fighting for causes. We should know what is happening in the society we live in. Teenagers nowadays worry upon on attires, games, social statuses, and internet friends. Instead of wasting a lot of time on the CYBERWEB, why not take advantage of the time you have to help people in need, do charity works, be a good individual, socialize with people and share your knowledge with them. Actions speak louder than words. Act upon what you say, and this will bring more respect to the ones who need a better life.  If we become more educated on the causes that are available and understand the causes, society would be different. Another way teenagers can promote respect for life is by starting with themselves. If we respect ourselves as human beings we’ll embrace life. We would want to honor each other in a meaningful way just as God has taught us. If we are unhappy about the life we are living, we shouldn’t feel scared to reach out to a friend or family member to talk about it. We shouldn’t keep it to ourselves; it’s tough to reach out but it would be the right thing to do. As a friend you should also help a friend who is in need of help by listening and not judging them.

One last way teenagers can promote respect for life is to deepen their relationship with God. We should come closer with God by going to church and incorporate the message in our daily lives. God has given us the gift of life; we should use this gift wisely. He did not give it to us so that we may judge one another but respect and love one another.

Teenagers may be too young to understand the reasons why life is so difficult, but we are not too young to volunteer for causes, listen to our friends‘ problems, and pray. Respect for life is something all of human kind can do; we just have to acknowledge where life came from and who are we to take it away.


               Respect for Elders

This statement may seem all too familiar, but is it really being followed these days? Every day as I flip through the television, I witness discrimination against the old and wise. Frequently on television sitcoms I notice a false portrayal of old people as being boring and in poor health. The audience laughs as a teenager yells words at a grandmother whose hearing is failing or a grandfather having trouble finding his false teeth. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I’m not laughing.

Just like us, our elders were once young. They have memories of different fads, their first job, their first love, mistakes they’ve made, things they’ve discovered…my point is, they have stories to tell and things to teach us. They’ve lived through things that we ourselves can hardly imagine. Wars. Depressions. Life without computers or cellphones. They’ve lived through history. They’re amazingly strong, intelligent, and interesting human beings who have gone through real experiences.

This is what I’d like to see portrayed in the media. Real people with real stories. People who the younger generation actually respects. Our elders will not be here forever, and it’s time they got the credit they truly deserve.


               People Need to be Treated With Respect

Everyone needs and deserves respect. Respect is a basic human need. We all crave respect and we all should give respect. The Golden rule, Due unto others as you would have done unto you, is perfect example of respect. This famous saying means treat others as you would want to be treated. Or in other words respect everyone.


“Respect is for those who deserve it not for those who demand it.”

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